
The prospectus and online entry system are now available for the Northern Athletics Autumn Road Relay Championships  which will be held at Birchwood, Warrington on 20th September.

Timetable as follows

11.30 Under 13 Boys              3 x 3000 metres

11.35 Under 13 Girls               3 x 3000 metres

12.15 Under 15 Boys              3 x 3000 metres

12.20 Under 15 Girls               3 x 3000 metres

13.00 Under 17 Men               3 x 3300 metres

13.05 Under 17 Women         3 x 3300 metres

14.00 Senior Men  6 stages approximately 6K  per stage

14.05 Senior Women 4 stages approximately 4.9k per stage

Links to online entry and other information can be found on the event page

The closing date for entries is 7th September