The Annual Open Meeting of Northern Athletics will be held on Sunday 13th November 2016 at ‘The Longfords’, Longford Park Athletics Stadium, Stretford, Manchester M21 9TA at 11.30am.
A buffet lunch will be served at approximately 1.00pm followed by the North of England Track & Field League Annual General Meeting at 1.30pm
Voting for the Officers and Executive Board of Northern Athletics will take place in accordance with the Northern Athletics Constitution. Nominations for the posts are listed overleaf.
We hope that representatives from your club will attend the meeting, one of whom will be entitled to vote on the Club’s behalf. Please register your attendance on arrival at the meeting. Clubs must have paid their subscriptions to England Athletics for 2015/2016 in order to be eligible to vote.
Yours faithfully
Judith Temperton
Administration Manager
1) Obituaries
2) Apologies for Absence
3) Minutes
To approve the Minutes of:
a) Northern Athletics Annual Open Meeting 14th November 2015
4) To receive and consider the Annual Report
5) To receive and consider the Annual Accounts
6) To Elect the Executive Board of Northern Athletics
(Nominations have been received for those listed below)
a) To elect Officers
Roy Swinbank
ii) Chairman
Tony Wood
iii) Honorary Treasurer
Nigel Orr
b) To elect Discipline Representatives to the Executive Board
(2 per discipline)
i) Cross Country (2)
Steve Gaines Arwel Williams
Road Running (2)
A ballot will be held to elect 2 Road Running representatives. Nominees are:
Bob Brimage Ken Taylor Ken Smith
iii) Track & Field (2)
Malcolm Fletcher Malcolm Rogers
7) To amend NA Constitution
Amend Clause 5.2 :
The Chairman of the meeting shall be the President or in his/her absence the Chairman of the Organisation.
to read:
The Chairman of the meeting shall be the current Northern Athletics Chairman or in his/her absence the President of the Organisation.
8) To appoint Auditors
9) To discuss the Future of Northern Athletics