
Northern Athletics Annual Open Meeting

The Annual Open Meeting of Northern Athletics will be held on Saturday 11th  November 2017 at ‘The Longfords’, Longford Park Athletics Stadium, Ryebank Rd, Manchester M21 9TA, commencing at 11.00am. The meeting will include an opportunity to discuss the funding of NA...
Photo Gallery from Road Relays

Photo Gallery from Road Relays

Dave Hewitson has once again kindly supplied us with a selection of photos from the 2017 Northern Athletics road relay championships held at SportCity on 16th Septmber  2017. More photos from this event will be available on Dave’s own website Sport for all pic later...
Young athletes photos from road relays

Young athletes photos from road relays

Dave Greenwood of Darkstar photos has sent us a selection of photos from last Saturday’s road relay championship more photos will be available on his website shortly. NA President presents Vale Royal U/13 girls with their medals as road relay champs 2017...
NA Men 6 Road Relay Stage Championship Report

NA Men 6 Road Relay Stage Championship Report

Combined Autumn Relays at Sportcity, Saturday 16th September 2017 Senior Men: For the second successive year, Sportcity hosted this championship event around a traffic free course on the Etihad campus. The facility has excellent parking and spectator facilities. With...