All, it is with great sadness that I want to let you know that Alan Neuff passed away earlier this week. Alan was a dedicated, professional, friendly and expert coach to the hundreds of pole vault athletes who
were lucky enough to work with him over the last 10 years. Alan established a true centre of excellence and hub for top quality pole vault training using the south Leeds indoor facilities and sharing the Leeds City AC club nights and a lasting testament to Alan is the number of top quality athletes that he produced and assisted in their aspirations and dreams during that time.
From a personal point of view I really welcomed his friendly nature and valued so highly his level of technical knowledge and background expertise in all aspects of track and field, and particularly equipment regulations and maintenance. So, on a personal level, I will really miss you being around pal!
On behalf of Leeds City AC, here’s to you Alan and thank you for everything! To Caroline, Alan’s lovely wife, go all our love, thoughts, best wishes and the knowledge that we’re an enduring family, where you’re always welcome and where you will always find support and love.
The funeral is to be held at Driffield on Wednesday 14th November.
Ian Cooke, LCAC chair