Northern Cross Country Championship Report

Northern Cross Country Championship Report

With the splendid backdrop of Harewood House, Morpeth did the senior double, the first time ever, through Carl Avery and Mhairi MacLennan ,whilst Sale beat Leeds City for the men’s team race. However, Leeds narrowly reversed the result in the women’s race. The age...

Harold Wood, Wigan miner, World-ranked marathon runner

Sam Ferris and Ernie Harper are understandably the best remembered British marathon runners of the 1920s and 1930s. Both of them were Olympic silver-medallists. Yet neither won as many marathons as did the much lesser known Harold Wood, who raced the distance on 29...
NA Women 4 Road Relay Stage Championship Report

NA Women 4 Road Relay Stage Championship Report

Combined Autumn Relays at Sportcity, Saturday 16th September 2017 Women’s 4-Stage: Leg 1: Some 5 minutes after the men’s start, 83 women lined up on their first leg. Laura Hesketh, Clayton, was first home in a time of 20.26, some 26 seconds ahead of...