
The Annual Open Meeting of Northern Athletics will be held on Saturday 11th November 2017 at ‘The Longfords’, Longford Park Athletics Stadium, Stretford, Manchester M21 9TA at 11.00am.

A buffet lunch will be served at approximately 1.00pm followed by the North of England Track & Field League Annual General Meeting at 1.30pm

Voting for the Officers and Executive Board of Northern Athletics will take place in accordance with the Northern Athletics Constitution. Nominations for the posts are listed overleaf.

We hope that representatives from your club will attend the meeting, one of whom will be entitled to vote on the Club’s behalf. Please register your attendance on arrival at the meeting. Clubs must have paid their subscriptions to England Athletics for 2016/2017 in order to be eligible to vote.


1) Obituaries

2) Apologies for Absence

3) Minutes 

To approve the Minutes of:

a) Northern Athletics Annual Open Meeting 13th November 2016

4) To receive and consider the Annual Report

Cost of Competitions
Cross Country Stats
Track & Field Stats
Road Relay Stats

5) To receive and consider the Annual Accounts

6) To appoint Auditors

7) To Elect the Executive Board of Northern Athletics
(Nominations have been received for those listed below)

a) To elect Officers

i) President
Kevin Carr

ii) Chairman
Tony Wood

iii) Honorary Treasurer
Nigel Orr

b) To elect Discipline Representatives to the Executive Board
(2 per discipline)

i) Cross Country (2)
Steve Gaines Arwel Williams

ii) Road Running (2)
Bob Brimage Ken Smith

iii) Track & Field (2)
Malcolm Fletcher Malcolm Rogers

8) To discuss the future of Northern Athletics

The proposal of an affiliation fee payable direct to Northern Athletics by the Clubs on the 1st October 2018 of £2 per England Athletics registered athlete. Once paid the Club is affiliated to Northern Athletics for the next 12 months and eligible to compete in all Northern Athletics competition. A vote will be taken at the end of the discussion on this main proposal.

The Northern Athletics Board invites all Clubs to forward any views they may have on this proposal in advance of our meeting to Judith Temperton at [email protected]. All of your ideas and options for us to consider are valued. There will be an opportunity to discuss these issues on the day.

9) To amend NA Constitution

1) Amend Clause 5.5 Voting at Open Meetings
Current clause

All Clubs have the right to vote. Each Club shall have one vote on each resolution. In addition the current members of the Executive Board shall be entitled to vote as a Club representative and in the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
Votes may be cast only by member representatives present at the meeting and only by a show of hands unless otherwise directed by the Chairman of the meeting. Representatives may only vote on behalf of one club at any one meeting being a club of which he/she is a member.

Proposal is to amend Clause 5.5 to read (amendments underlined)

All Clubs have the right to vote. Each Club shall have one vote on each resolution. In addition the current members of the Executive Board shall be entitled to vote as a Club representative The current President of Northern Athletics and all former Presidents present at the meeting shall also be entitled to vote. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
Votes may be cast only by those eligible and present at the meeting and only by a show of hands unless otherwise directed by the Chairman of the meeting. Club representatives may only vote on behalf of one club at any one meeting being a club of which he/she is a member.

2) Amend Clause 10.2 Subscriptions
Current clause

Each member Club may be required to pay an annual subscription, in accordance with a scale set by the Executive Board from time to time.
The Annual Subscription of each member shall be payable in advance on the first day of April in each year. No representatives shall be allowed to vote at an Open meeting if the member’s subscription was unpaid on 30th June. All members whose subscriptions are unpaid on the 31st August shall be liable to be struck off the roll of membership at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Proposal is to amend Clause 10.2 to read (amendments underlined)

Each member Club will be required to pay an annual affiliation fee, under a scheme and in accordance with a scale set by the Executive Board from time to time.
The Annual fee of each member Club shall be payable in advance on the first day of October in each year. No Club representatives shall be allowed to attend or vote at an Open meeting if the member Club’s affiliation fee is unpaid. All member Clubs whose fee is unpaid on the first day of December in each year shall be liable to be struck off the roll of membership at the discretion of the Executive Board.