Our sport could not function without the support of thousands of volunteer officials, who share their time and expertise each week. To learn more about becoming an official, click here. If you’re qualified and want to progress to the next level, you’ll find all the details here.
Officials’ selections for Northern Athletics championships are made by the Northern Tri-Regional Officials’ Group (NTROG) and ratified by the NA Executive. They balance the need for a strong team of experienced officials at each event with the desire to provide opportunities for others to develop (see NTROG Structure and Selection Policy below).
Appointments, including reserves, for Northern Athletics 2024 Outdoor Championships are published below and availability for the 2025 Indoor Championships will be emailed in late summer.
Northern Athletics are keen to appoint Officials who offer support for all Northern Athletics events, including Indoor Opens. Recommendations for National appointments are based on current and sustained commitment to Northern events.
All officials should keep their contact details updated on the MyAthletics portal. You can also keep your Record of Experience updated using the online RoE on the portal. Each year’s details should be exported on 30 Sept and sent to your County Officials’ Secretary (COfSec) if you are Level 1 or 2, or to the NTROG Secretary if you are Level 3 or 4. NB When you press the “Export” button, an Excel file is downloaded to your device. It can then be saved and emailed. For contact details of your COfSec, click here. Officials seeking upgrading should read the guidance below. The important aspect of the RoE is that it shows evidence of self reflection/assessment.
The 2024-2024 UKA Rules of Competition can be downloaded here together with a summary of recent Rule amendments.
For further information:
Track & Field Appointments
Email Cath Hickey
Cross Country & Road Appointments
Email Mark Tallon
Interested in becoming an official?
If you live in the North of England and are interested in becoming an official then please use the contact us button below and we will be able to help you with any queries you may have.